M-091222 September 12, 2022Planning & Development Department 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 – Phone: 508-862-4678 Land Acquisition and Preservation Committee Minutes September 12, 2022 5:30 p.m. ORDER AND INTRODUCTION OF MEMBERS Chair Ann Canedy calls the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. She welcomes the new Administrative Assistant, Genna Ziino, who will be supporting the Committee, and takes roll call: Also in attendance are Kris Clark, Town Council Liaison and Administrative Assistant, Genna Ziino. NOTICE OF RECORDING Please note that this meeting is recorded and broadcast on Channel 18. In accordance with MGL Chapter 30A §20, I must inquire whether anyone is taping this meeting and if so, to please make their presence known. No response. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes from the July 11 meeting will need to be approved at the next meeting as they require more review. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION New Business Update: October’s meeting has been changed to October 3 (from October 10, which is Columbus Day). Old Business  Update on status of outstanding Conservation Restrictions: Harju, Amaral, Prince Ave, Wakeby, Penn, Bowles (Commerce), and Silvia There is no update.  Update: Pathways Project and Trayser Bridge Construction Proposal There is no update.  Update: Centerville Cranberry Bog There is no update.  Update: Twin Brooks Proposal There is no update. They have concluded their public meetings and are awaiting the Cape Cod Commission’s development agreement, which is still outstanding. Chair Ann Canedy will look into the status of that.  Update: Open Space & Recreation Plan The Committee discusses one part of this plan, the Walking Library, after all other new business. Member Present Absent Ann Canedy – Chair X Farley Lewis – Vice Chair X Elissa Crowley X Elizabeth Lewis X Phyllis Miller X Douglas Payson X Tracy Pratt X Ann Rowland X  Report from Phyllis Miller/Tracy Pratt regarding Santuit Preserve Neither Phyllis Miller nor Tracy Pratt is present, but Ann Canedy knows that Phyllis Miller is in the midst of formulating how to set up an annual meeting for the Santuit Management Plan Committee.  Report from Farley Lewis regarding Community Preservation Committee Open Space applications There is going to be a revised plan for Armstrong Kelly Park in the next meeting of CPC on September 19th. Later in the meeting, Doug Payson asks whether the trustees intend to keep it free. Farley Lewis responds yes. Ann Canedy adds that one of the issues is that they are asking for money from the Community Preservation Act, so they may need to put a preservation restriction on the park.  Report from Town Council Liaison Kris Clark There is none. Chair Ann Canedy announces that a new Committee member will be joining: Catherine Gulliver. There will be a vote to determine her status at the next Town Council, but the Chairwoman assumes she will join next month. The rest of the meeting is focused on the Fall Walking Weekend and the Walking Library. Walking Weekend (weekend of October 7-10) Farley Lewis announces that they have 2 walks so far. On Friday, October 7 the Barnstable Clean Water Coalition will have a walk at 10 AM (the walk is at 948 River Road, will focus on the bog restoration project, and is being led by Heather Rockwell) and on Friday, October 7 the Barnstable Land Trust will have a walk at 9 AM (people will need to preregister for this one—it will be at the West Barnstable Conservation area, hike is 4.4 miles/2.5 hours). Town Council Liaison Kris Clark received an email from Judy Desrochers that she will lead a walk at Meeting House Farm. About ¾ of a mile, an hour walk. Kris Clark will verify the date and time, as the email from Ms. Desrochers said “Saturday the 10th at 10 AM” but the Saturday of that weekend is the 8th. The Committee discusses that they need walks on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Douglas Payson plans to do some. Members recommend reaching out to Ian Ives, Mark Wirtanen, (though both have been included on the email calls for submissions) and Katherine Gulliver. Douglas Payson will reach out to Mark Wirtanen directly, possibly about a Falcon Road walk. The person from the Senior Center never got back to Farley Lewis. Doug Payson wonders if the start time of one of the two walks could be changed so they aren’t so close together, and people could attend both. Farley Lewis will try and see if Heather Rockwell will move her walk to Saturday morning or even Friday afternoon. Doug Payson asks the Committee if they think there would be interest in doing a cross-town walk from the Sandwich line to the Yarmouth line along the red trail. The Committee thinks there may be interest. It’s around 12 miles, but they could potentially give people the opportunity to drop out or join at Barnstable Village. Doug Payson wonders what the members think about doing a walk from Mary Dunn Road to Willow Street through the woods to show where the bike path is going to be. They discuss whether there are permits needed or water protection concerns for that area. After discussion, most likely, there are none, but the Committee still has some reservations about this route. Walking Library The Committee seeks to organize a group who will work with Genna Ziino to establish the Walking Library on the Town of Barnstable website in compliance with the Open Space & Recreation Plan. Farley Lewis, Elissa Crowley, and Doug Payson express interest in joining that group. Kris Clark explains that the idea is to collect walk information and compile it in a spreadsheet-style document that would live on the Town of Barnstable website in various places: LAPC, Conservation, Recreation, etc. so that interested walkers could look at the document and sort walks by village, duration, distance, terrain, degree of difficulty, etc. Each will have a map, many of which have already been prepared by GIS. If possible, nearby amenities like bathrooms or special features could be highlighted. Doug Payson suggests also putting the walks on AllTrails—that way the walks can be named and so will be defined. Doug Payson explains that in his walks, he likes to incorporate the sidewalks and bike paths accessing the woodland trails to encourage people to not drive to the trails, and to accommodate those who don’t want to drive to the walk. The Committee discusses concern over mountain bikes heavily using walking trails and the potential danger to walkers from people going too fast on mountain bikes and e-bikes. Ann Canedy informs the group that the state has developed an e-bike policy within the Department of Conservation and Recreation—she will circulate that within the Committee. She thinks if necessary, they can ask the Town Council to adopt a local policy or ordinance for e-bikes. The Committee discusses the lack of education and enforcement of people on bikes traveling at a high rate of speed on sidewalks in village centers. Doug Payson says particularly in Barnstable Village, the cyclists are not accommodated with a bike lane and so travel on the sidewalks, which are extremely busy with walkers. He believes it is illegal in a designated town center for bikes to ride on the sidewalk, and thinks it should be a policy because those conflicts are inevitable. He feels strongly that beyond just creating pleasant walks, sidewalks need to be considered transportation—for example, Route 132 has major cultural institutions and housing that the public needs safe access to. For next steps for the Walking Library, Genna Ziino will send around a Doodle Poll to align on availability for a meeting. Due to travel, the members suggest late October options. Doug Payson wonders if the Committee should be coordinating with New England Mountain Biking Association to parallel the way they have their trails on the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce website. Ann Canedy offers the contacts of Bill Boles and Lev Malakhoff. Farley Lewis asks if the Committee shouldn’t align themselves with the Barnstable Land Trust (BLT) first. Ann Canedy says the plan can start with BLT and see where it goes from there. Regarding the Open Space & Recreation Plan action plan, Kris Clark suggests revisiting the areas that were recommended for municipal new water sources that was done in 2012. It needs updating because some places that were on the list are now town owned, or sold and no longer available. Chair Ann Canedy agrees that the Committee should revisit those lists. MATTERS NOT REASONABLY ANTICIPATED BY THE CHAIR PUBLIC COMMENT None. ADJOURNMENT Elissa Crowley makes a motion to adjourn. Douglas Payson seconds. Vote: Aye: Ann Canedy, Farley Lewis, Elissa Crowley, Douglas Payson, Ann Rowland Nay: None Respectfully submitted, Genna Ziino, Administrative Assistant Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 18 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us