Sturgis Support LetterTo whom it may concern, A mural project in Barnstable is a classic "win-win." It is a win for our community because murals build a sense of community; they encourage walking and make the community welcoming. Beautifying our otherwise drab buildings also has a trickle-down effect for local businesses who will see an increase in foot traffic and customers and will add an additional draw for tourists visiting the area. Furthermore, murals (and public art in general) create a whole wealth of intangible benefits as they encourage conversations, build community pride and build a legacy for our children to be proud of and maintain. In short, murals make our community more beautiful, more engaging, and infinitely more inviting to visitors both local and foreign. The artists themselves also benefit from creating murals as they build connections to their community and leave a lasting imprint of their legacy. Murals (and art in general) build a sense of accomplishment and self-worth in our young people, especially if the art is displayed publicly. Finally, creating art helps build a sense of confidence, it teaches patience and perseverance, builds critical thinking skills, and gives young people a creative outlet for emotional stress. Sincerely, Xanthippi Abel Fine Arts Faculty, Sturgis East High School