HomeMy WebLinkAboutDraft Minutes LCPC June 22, 2023 Page 1 of 3 1 Local Comprehensive Planning Committee Minutes Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 5:30 PM Call to Order Chair Felicia Penn opens the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Member Present Absent Felicia Penn X Wendy Northcross X Cheryl Powell X Mark Hansen X (late) Amanda Converse X Sue Rohrbach X Meaghan Mort X Fran Parks X Lindsey Counsell X Jennifer Williams X Bob Twiss X Avery Revere X Also in attendance are Planning & Development staff Elizabeth Jenkins, Director; Kate Maldonado, Assistant Director; James Kupfer, Senior Planner; Kyle Pedicini, Community & Economic Development Planner; and Jennifer Engelsen, Office Manager. Notice of Recording This meeting is being recorded and broadcast on Channel 18 and in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter 30A Section 20, the Committee must inquire whether anyone is taping this meeting and to please make their presence known. No response. Minutes May 11, 2023 – Cheryl Powell makes a motion to accept the minutes. Sue Rohrbach seconds. Vote: Aye: Felicia Penn, Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Amanda Converse, Sue Rohrbach, Lindsey Counsell, Jennifer Williams, Bob Twiss, Avery Revere Nay: Topics for Discussion • Review redline of Existing Conditions Report as recommended by the Sub-Committee Kate Maldonado thanks the sub-committee members Felicia Penn, Fran Parks and Meaghan Mort. Task for tonight’s meeting is to go through the redline version of the Phase I Draft Existing Conditions Report. First edit is related to language associated with PFAS cleanup at the airport. The benefits of our saltwater marshes and carbon sequestration were added under the Marine Waters section. The sub-committee feels this report should be factual and not subjective. Language relating to marinas in broad terms is removed and keep language relating to those existing in Barnstable. Incorporating new language to include the three projects for offshore wind in Barnstable and where they stand at this time. Wetland Page 2 of 3 2 regulation section changes may need to be amended for Phase II. Open Space comments from the Barnstable Land Trust adding benefits associated with the quality of life and social well-being were added. Seeking more data for open space and recreation plan from 2018 by village will be updated by GIS. Language to add the town will have the first right of refusal for Chapter 61 land was added. Land Use and Development section begins with removing language that relates to the Cape Cod Commissions Regional Policy Plan. Language relating to low lying roads will be looked at later in the presentation. The ferry should be added under the transportation section. Adding seasonal rail service was another suggestion by Wendy Northcross. Growth Management Ordinance capturing the most current data. Lindsey Counsell would like to see data on two pages instead of one to make it easier to read. Final formatting will be conveyed to the consultant. Water supply language edits were with assistance from Hans Keijser. Stormwater, add pet and wildlife waste. Low-lying roads and top five priority roads. Traffic congestion – language was removed about Route 28 and added other routes i.e., Route 132 and Route 6A. Rail trail language was added with assistance from DPW. Staff were asked to inquire if Cape Cod Pathways were included in this section. Village libraries and how they are funded were added. Obtaining more recent data from MHC regarding the number of archaeological sites in town. Data on demolitions for historical projects going back to 2010 was added. Does not include any buildings that were neglected, nor had permits. Wendy to assist with gathering data on vacationers. The BusinessBarnstable website data adding number of visitors and email recipients. Seasonal housing values provided by Assessing. Short-term rental data provided by the Building Department. Language amended for more factual percentage of unit size and household size. A brief discussion of village history amongst members took place. Felicia Penn asked for public comment, none. A motion to accept red line edits was made by Cheryl Powell, seconded by Bob Twiss. All in favor, aye. • Review comments received for the draft Vision Statement Jim Kupfer reports that a year has passed since the process began. Outreach to engage the public through workshops to create a one-page vision statement. Posted this online for public comment and here tonight to review. Presentation of the top five comments to the committee. A draft vision prepared by C. Ledec was handed out to go over each bullet. Changes were made line by line removing and adding words. Jim suggests moving bullets seven through twelve to the top. Catherine Ledec was present to thank the group for their work. She is thankful and grateful to the group for a document to work from. George Ledec provided comments on the harbor. A motion to finalize the vision statement as corrected tonight was made by Cheryl Powell, seconded Sue Rohrbach. All in favor, aye. Avery Revere shares that she met with a couple of councilors who shared a link to a video from Clear Gov who sells software to municipalities and town. Software defines what a comprehensive plan and strategic plan does. Would like to send a link to be shared with members. • Phase II overview and discussion of support tools Elizabeth Jenkins does a short presentation on the LCP requirements under the CCC Act and he similar to MGL requirements for master plans. Vision Statement that expresses the shared values of the community. Existing conditions and dat a – assets and future growth, with resource protection in mind. Goals focused on planning and land use. Strategi c future land use map, natural resources, facilities/infrastructure, economic development, cultural, heritage, design and housing. We will integrate department heads in each area. The LCP has to be adopted by the Town Council. Members from this committee come to a meeting and present the work from this phase to date. Phase II has been approved by the Town Council. Carlos Barbosa has resigned, and his service will be missed and leaves a gap for members. Staff will be working to see if committee members will need to be added. Wendy Northcross asks if transportation can be added as an icon on the measure screen. Public Comment Catherine Ledec and George Ledec provided public comments during the draft vision edits. Next Meeting Date Elizabeth Jenkins discussed the LCPC attending a Town Council meeting in July or August to make a presentation on their progress to date. Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair None Page 3 of 3 3 Adjourn Cheryl Powell makes a motion to adjourn. Avery Revere seconds. Vote: Aye: Felicia Penn, Wendy Northcross, Cheryl Powell, Amanda Converse, Sue Rohrbach, Lindsey Counsell, Jennifer Williams, Bob Twiss, Avery Revere, Mark Hansen Nay: Documents Used at This Meeting • May 11, 2023 minutes • Redline of Existing Conditions Report • Draft Vision Statement Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Engelsen, Office Manager Further detail may be obtained by viewing the video via Channel 1 8 on demand at http://www.town.barnstable.ma.us